Unique features of our technology.
Locsense develops non-invasive sensors like the Artemis to monitor cell health, enabling in-vitro testing for development of personalized medicine and as alternative to animal testing. Its technology measures cell barrier strength, crucial for drug testing, disease research, and understanding body defenses. Locsense devices integrate seamlessly with existing workflows and advanced in-vitro platforms like organ-on-chip and microfluidic chips.
Automated TEER / impedance spectroscopy measurements
Monitor the barrier function while cells are situated inside the incubator or on the laboratory bench
User-friendly and workflow compatible
The software is plug and play and the system is easy to operate for first time users
Save time by automating TEER / impedance spectroscopy measurements for several hours or days at the desired time intervals
Non-destructive, semi-continuous
The Artemis operates while cells are located inside the incubator, hood or on the desktop. Measurements are non-destructive and can be performed for days in a row and intervals of your choice.
Compatible with conventional transwell plates
Smart-lids are available for 12 and 24 wells transwell plates, including Nunc, Corning, VWR, Greiner.
Reduced risk of cross contamination
Each well is equipped with a set of electrodes, thereby reducing the risk of cross contamination. All parts in contact with cells are autoclavable
Engage with us.
Reach out to us if you would like to receive more information about our products and collaboration opportunities. Whether you have questions, an exciting project in mind, or are simply curious about what we do, we are here for you.