Barrier integrity is a vital parameter in evaluating the safety and effectiveness of pharmaceutical formulations. It determines how well drugs and treatments can penetrate biological barriers, such as the skin, gut, or blood-brain barrier, without causing harm or adverse effects. Accurate measurement of barrier integrity is essential for developing safe and effective medications that can reach their target sites within the body.
Frequently Asked Questions
Yes, the transwell plates can be placed inside the Artemis plate holder. The device can automatically read-out the entire plate by performing TEER and impedance spectroscopy measurements on all wells.
Yes, in addition to the standard configuration, Locsense can provide interfacing to microfluidic chips, or organs-on-chip.
Yes, the Artemis can perform time-lapse measurements, e.g. for a period of 24 hours or 72 hours with time intervals varying from several minutes to hours or days.
Yes the Artemis is compatible with the incubator. The cells can be placed inside the incubator, while the Artemis detector is placed on top of the incubator.

Meet us at SOT in Orlando
Locsense will be showcasing its innovative solutions at the Society of Toxicology (SOT) annual conference in Orlando. Join us to explore our latest advancements in toxicology research, connect with industry experts, and discover how Locsense is shaping the future of safety and risk assessment. Mark your calendars and visit us at Booth 532 from March…
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Installation at Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology
We are delighted to announce that Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST) is the newest user of our technology for barrier integrity monitoring. This partnership marks a significant step in advancing skin and lung research at LIST. We will keep you up posted on the results that will come out of this collaboration.
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European Respiratory Society Congress
Locsense will be attending The European Respiratory Society Congress (ERS), which will be held in Vienna, on September 7 - 11, 2024. For more information, click here. Stop by the Locsense booth to meet our experts and watch live demos. We look forward to seeing you in Vienna.
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Decoding Skin Resilience
Researchers from the Radboudumc and Locsense developed an approach to measure how genetic variants, inflammatory mediators, and drug candidates affect skin barrier development and function. The article is now in press in the Journal of Investigative Dermatology. The quantitative and longitudinal analysis of epidermal differentiation and skin barrier function in skin organotypic models was monitored.…
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Upcoming webinar on monitoring of the gut barrier function
Upcoming Webinar: “Does all disease begin in the gut? Monitoring the barrier function of an in vitro gut mimic” Join us on May 23rd for an insightful session presented by Eline Geervliet, Application Scientist at Locsense B.V.. The event will be hosted and accommodated by Brian Shapiro, Marketing Segment Manager at ATCC, and will feature data insights from Lena Koch, PhD candidate…
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ESTIV congress 3 – 6 June 2024 Prague
Locsense will be exhibiting at the 22nd International Congress of the European Society of Toxicology In Vitro (ESTIV 2024). The congress will take place in the historic and picturesque city of Prague from June 3rd to 6th, 202412. Booth Number: 10 Why Visit Our Booth? For more information about the congress, visit the ESTIV 2024…
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Locsense frontrunner in-vitro sensing
Innovation in In-Vitro Sensing: Discover how Locsense is leveraging cutting-edge technology to become a frontrunner in the field.
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SOT from 10th-14th of March 2024 in Salt lake city
Locsense exhibitor at the SOT ToxExpo in Salt Lake City Locsense will exhibit at the 70th SOT Annual meeting and ToxExpo in Salt Lake City, Utah which will be held from the 10-14th of March 2024. The Society of Toxicology promotes the acquisition and utilization of knowledge in toxicology and aids in the protection of…
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Eurostars funding Epithelial Sensing
Innovative skin sensing for drug and cosmetic compounds testing Locsense, StratiCELL and the Radboudumc are proud to announce Eurostars funding supporting the development of a breakthrough Epithelial Sensing solution that accurately measures the barrier function of new in-vitro skin constructs, closely resembling the in-vivo situation. The platform assesses skin barrier function in a non-intrusive manner…
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E2BRN 2023 conference in Edinburgh
Skin barrier assessment at the E2BRN conference Felicitas Pardow and Jos P.H. Smits from the Radboudumc will present their findings on how impedance spectroscopy provides insight in epidermis formation and skin barrier function in vitro in Edinburgh. Locsense is proud sponsor of the E2BRN (the Epidermal Barrier Research Network) conference on the 28th and 29th …
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Beyond the barriers: impedance-based quality control of in vitro lung models
Chronic pulmonary diseases are a high burden on the healthcare system and on the quality of life (QoL)of its patients. As the third leading cause of death, chronic respiratory diseases have a tremendousmortality rate [1]. Moreover, with a prevalence of 300 million people worldwide, pulmonary diseases arenot only mortal but also highly prevalent [2]. The…
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Guardians of the gateway: exploring the blood-brain barrier with Impedance spectroscopy
The blood-brain barrier (BBB) is a highly specialized and complex physiological structure that plays acrucial role in maintaining the homeostasis of the central nervous system (CNS) [1]. Grossly the BBBconsists of three selecve layers. (1) The endothelial cells, which impede substances to infiltratethe brain by ght juncons. (2) The basement membrane containing pericytes provides structuralsupport…
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Electrical impedance spectroscopy: to evaluate and monitororganotypic development and skin barrier function in vitro
For research into skin biology, diseases, and drug or chemical interactions, organotypic 3D human epidermal equivalents (HEEs) are frequently used. Studies heavily rely on end-points analysis for which HEEs are harvested to study cellular responses. Non-intrusive methods that enable longitudinal analysis by repetitive measurements can minimize batch effects, increase study reproducibility and maximize experimental throughput.…
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Retina-on-chip: modeling and treating eye diseases in a dish
The human rena is a highly organized structure consisng of neural rena, renal pigment epithelial (RPE)cell layer, and vasculature, called the choroid (Figure 1). Current human cell models oen lack three-dimensional (3D) complexity of the human rena. Renal diseases lead to photoreceptor cell death, causing progressive blindness (1). We are invesgang two parcular renal diseases:…
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Retina-on-chip: Designing a PDMS-based microfluidic chip with 2 μm-thick membranes for culture of iPSC-derived retinal pigment epithelium
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Electrical impedance spectroscopy analysis to evaluateorganotypic epidermis formation and barrier function in vitro
For research into skin biology, diseases and drug or chemical interactions, organotypic 3D human epidermal equivalents (HEEs) are frequently used. Studies heavily rely on endpoints analysis for which HEEs are harvested to study cellular responses. Non-intrusive methods that enable longitudinal analysis by repetitive measurements can minimize batch effects, increase study reproducibility and maximize experimental throughput.…
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Breathing life into innovation: Developing an AdvancedCOPD lung Model for therapeutic discovery
COPD is a major global cause of mortality, but current treatmentsonly provide symptomatic relief. Limited progress in developing new therapies is attributed to the absence of reliable lung models for testing.
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Investigations into the FLG Null Phenotype:Showcasing the Methodology for CRISPR/Cas9Editing of Human Keratinocytes
Ever since the association between FLG loss-of-function variants and ichthyosis vulgaris and atopic dermatitis disease onset was identified, FLGs function has been under investigation. Intraindividual genomic predisposition, immunological confounders, and environmental interactions complicate the comparison between FLG genotypes and related causal effects. Using CRISPR/Cas9, we generated human FLG-knockout (DFLG) N/TERT-2G keratinocytes. FLG deficiency was shown…
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Advanced pathophysiology mimicking lungmodels for accelerated drug discovery
Background Respiratory diseases are the 2nd leading cause of death globally. The current treatments for chronic lung diseases are only supportive. Very few new classes of therapeutics have been introduced for lung diseases in the last 40 years, due to the lack of reliable lung models that enable rapid, cost-effective, and high-throughput testing. To accelerate…
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The aryl hydrocarbon receptor regulates epidermal differentiation through transient activation of TFAP2A
The aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AHR) is an evolutionary conserved environmental sensor identified as indispensable regulator of epithelial homeostasis and barrier organ function. Molecular signaling cascade and target genes upon AHR activation and their contribution to cell and tissue function are however not fully understood. Multi-omics analyses using human skin keratinocytes revealed that, upon ligand activation,…
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